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Surrey is getting confident with numbers

Surrey CC

Have you ever said: ‘I don’t do maths’? Or maybe: ‘I’m not a numbers person’? 

Lots of people find maths difficult and feel anxious about it, but numbers play a big part in life at home, work and school. Whether it’s making the most of your money, feeling more confident at work, or helping kids with homework, number play a starring role!

That’s why we have teamed up with the charity National Numeracy to offer you the chance to get more number confident by using the National Numeracy Challenge.

It’s a free website and you can sign up and get started on improving your numeracy in just 10 minutes. Don’t worry, it’s not classroom maths – it’s the everyday numeracy that you need in real life. It adjusts to the right level for you and shows you, step-by-step how to work things out. You can go at your own pace, where and when ever it suits you, using your mobile, tablet, or PC. 

Start now

What is the Challenge?

The Challenge is a free, interactive web-based learning tool designed to help you improve your everyday maths skills in manageable steps, whilst building your confidence along the way.

Icon of a computer with graph on screen

Your results explained
You will receive a breakdown of how you did in the 5 areas of numeracy and tips on how to improve using our learning pages.

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Available on mobile
Take the Challenge on the go - doing as little as 10 minutes a day can make a huge difference.

Challenge framework

Who we are

We are National Numeracy, a charity set up in 2012 to raise the levels of numeracy in the UK among both adults and children. Our own research and government figures show that around half of adults in the UK have the numeracy expected of primary school children, we want to change this. Our online Challenge is a free, confidential way for adults to test and improve their numeracy.

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