Improving numeracy with UNISON Yorkshire & Humberside
We use maths in every aspect of our lives at work and in practical everyday activities at home and beyond.
National Numeracy have developed a number of resources to help develop skills and confidence in using numeracy to get into or on at work, helping children with homework, and managing money. Scroll down to see all available resources.
Getting into or on at work
However maths makes you feel, you're not alone.
The National Numeracy Challenge is a free online tool designed to support you in working towards having the Essentials of Numeracy - the maths skills you actually need in work and everyday life. It allows you to find out your level and points you towards resources to help you improve.
Click GET STARTED to register and take the Check-Up. Once you have your score there will be lots of learning resources suitable for your level and based on your strengths and weaknesses. When you have done some practice with these and you feel ready you can retake the Check-Up and see your improvement.
“I’ve had a big boost of confidence and positivity from having improved my numeracy and now have plans to open my own bakery business. I’m proud to say I’m 100% a numbers person now.” - Maryam, Bakery Student
Children's numeracy
We believe that every child should develop the numeracy they will need for a bright future. Confidence and attitudes to numbers and maths develop from a young age. The strongest determinate of a child’s number confidence and attitudes towards maths is those of the adults that support them. However, millions of adults in the UK suffer from low confidence with numbers. These negative associations can easily be passed down to children, reinforcing the myth that you are just ‘not a numbers person’.
National Numeracy have developed free, fun maths activities for children to do with their families around the house.
The activities are aligned to the 2014 English National Curriculum and support school learning, but with National Numeracy's unique emphasis on developing number confidence.
Having a positive attitude to maths can have a crucial impact on a child’s schooling and their ability to use numbers in everyday life as they grow.
"I feel more confident in being able to help my kids with whatever they bring home rather than trying to dodge it...I'm six feet tall but it makes me feel seven feet tall being able to help them out." - Jason, Parent
Managing money
Feeling anxious about maths is normal and could be holding you back, but this can be overcome. Building number confidence helps people to gain the number skills that help with managing money and is often the first step to a healthy financial future.
National Numeracy partnered with credit experts Experian to share some essential money management tips.
"Being faced with things like terms and conditions, interest rates and inflation can be really baffling and cause anxiety. National Numeracy helped me realise I'm not the only person who struggles, and you can learn and get better." - Cathy, Social Impact Manager at a financial group.