Insight on your team
Low confidence and competence with numbers is a hidden issue that affects almost every organisation in some way.
Our powerful data tools can shine a light on the number skills and confidence of your team, so you can adapt and support them to improve.
Challenge Tracker
Our Challenge Tracker is a fantastic way to gather information on your team's confidence and competence with numbers. It can work at any scale and give you the data you need to support your team in the best way. With it you can help you get sight of:
- How your team feels about maths
- Their confidence with numbers
- Their skills level - and where specific gaps in skills lie
- How engaged they are in learning - ie how far they get
Our data portal shows you this information colourfully, clearly and in a way you can interact with. You can then use this insight to target support where it's needed.
This unique insight is being used by employers, NHS Trusts, unions, colleges and schools. All data is shared confidentially, securely and only with the named contact for your organisation.
For a demonstration of the Challenge Tracker please contact our relationships manager Sally Hilton.
Find the terms and conditions here.

How does it work?
- Each team member signs up to the National Numeracy Challenge via dedicated link for your organisation.
- Together we encourage them to use this platform to check and improve their skills using our adaptive, multiple choice skills check.
- We provide individuals with the resources they need to improve the specific skills they're weaker on based on their skills check. They can re-take the check at any time to see if they improve. It will present different questions using the same skills each time until they improve.
- Your team can also engage with our brand new attitudinal resources, providing practical tips to stay calm and motivated.
- Using our data portal you can keep track of team's progress so you can provide support.
The National Numeracy Challenge comes with a 'nudge email journey' sending messages to your team members relating to their progress.
Our provision focuses on the everyday maths people need for work and life, not the complex maths often taught at school. It is designed for adults who never liked maths at school.
See the Challenge Tracker
Here is some dummy data showing you the kind of insight you can get on your teams or classes.
The graphs from left to right show:
- how far people have got through the National Numeracy Challenge (registration, assessment, learning, improving),
- the levels of numeracy that users started at,
- the highest level they achieve,
- their score on the four different areas of numeracy,
- how confident with number your users are or their 'confidence score'.
Numeracy Review
Our Numeracy Review allows you to have an in-depth insight into attitudes and numeracy levels amongst your workforce, and provides strategies for support and development.
One of the keys to fostering a dynamic and innovative workplace is employees who are confident with handling numbers.
Whether it’s being able to handle daily arithmetic, problem solving, or how to spot mistakes, these form the essentials of numeracy and mathematical thinking, which are at the heart of a productive workforce.

Poor numeracy is a direct drag on UK productivity; we therefore need to find better ways to improve numeracy in the workplace.
Sir Jeremy Heywood, former Head of the Civil Service
How does it work?
We undertake a two-stage assessment of your workforce:
- We carry out a brief, online survey of your staff to find out how they feel about maths and numeracy. This is followed by the Challenge Check-Up to measure their numeracy level and understand key areas where this may be impacting on your organisation.
- Our team will analyse this data and present the findings to you, this report will highlight areas of strengths and weakness against the Essentials of Numeracy. It will also show the attitudes, values and beliefs that your staff hold.
- We will then stay in consultation with you to consider strategies for effecting meaningful change, offering you a range of solutions for improving employees’ numeracy.
Get in touch
Our approach is flexible and different for every partner.
If part of our offer sounds like a good fit for your organisation get in touch with our friendly and experienced Partnerships Team to see how we can adapt our approach for you.