Get ready for National Numeracy Day 22 May 2024
Welcome! We are so glad you are taking part in the UK’s only day dedicated to everyday maths on Wednesday 22 May 2024.
We want to make getting involved in National Numeracy Day as simple and easy as possible.
Making it easy for you to get involved
We want to make getting involved in National Numeracy Day as simple and easy as possible.
Whether you want to improve your own numeracy, or organise for number fun in your workplace or community centre, we have everything you need.
This year we have Big Number Natter events around the country, celebrity activities, staff engagement packs for workplaces and much more.
Remember - everything is free and there is no fundraising requirement. So everyone can get involved.
National Numeracy Day is an effective way to:
- Support numeracy improvement, no matter your age
- Boost confidence with numbers
- Inspire a positive mindset towards numbers
- Show how numbers are a part of everyday life, at home and work
- Support your children, colleagues, friends and family to improve their numeracy
We will support you with:
- Activities and resources – We will provide a full toolkit containing evidence-based resources, tips and ideas tailored for adults aged 16+. They can be used in workplaces, community settings, colleges - anywhere! We’ll get in touch when your toolkit it ready to download.
- Planning – Whether you have tome for a quick number natter over coffee, a lunchtime event at work, or a whole day to dedicate…we have suggestions for how to fit National Numeracy Day into your schedule.
- Communications – We will provide templates for emails for staff / students / parents and social media posts and assets. We will make it easy for you to talk about what’s happening.
Actions to take now:
When your toolkit is ready, we’ll be in touch. In the meantime you can get ahead:
- Save the date Mark Wednesday 22 May in yours and your organisation's diary
- Tell your friends and colleagues and ask them to sign up to get our toolkit
- Try the free National Numeracy Challenge it only takes 10 minutes to start improving your numeracy. Give our free tool a whirl!
- Got children to support? Grab the Family Maths Toolkit - Over 200+ free, fun maths activities for schools and families that supports the national curriculum in England and the curriculum for excellence in Scotland. Grabs yours now!
Try the National Numeracy Challenge
However you feel about maths, you’re not alone. The National Numeracy Challenge is a free and easy-to-use website you can use to improve your confidence with numbers, in your own time and at your own pace.
It’s ideal for brushing up, checking your level, or for catching up on learning you missed, and it’s all about the maths you need in daily life and at work – no algebra or trigonometry.