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First ever Number Confidence Week helps people to take control during Covid-19

14 Dec 2020

On 2 November 2020, together with Founding Partner TP ICAP and Lead Partners Experian, KPMG and Santander, we launched a brand-new campaign, Number Confidence Week, to help people feel better about getting on with numbers.

This autumn the UK faced deep uncertainty in areas crucial to the UK’s resilience and wellbeing. There was an urgent need for people to feel more in control and confident to tackle the challenges faced due to Covid-19, at work, home and school. National Numeracy and our partners wanted to continue making a meaningful contribution during this time.

Number Confidence Week impact report cover

We know that gaining number confidence is the first step to gaining the number skills that help in everyday life, for getting into work, managing money, or helping children with their learning. We also know that many people have low number confidence and experience stress, anxiety or fear when working with numbers.

It's understandable, but it can be overcome. Number Confidence Week empowered people and helped them feel better equipped to navigate this extraordinary time, providing positive, practical and empowering solutions that made sense. As you can read in the impact report:

  • 22,000 people took action towards building their confidence with numbers
  • 2,000 views of our Number Confidence Week videos on YouTube
  • 1,100 downloads of our Number Confidence Week resources

Our campaign content was tailored specifically for those who have low number confidence, inspiring and encouraging them to take action and start to feel better about understanding and working with numbers.

Half the working-age population of the UK (49%) has the numeracy level expected of a primary school child. Struggling with numbers can make people more vulnerable to debt, unemployment, poor health and fraud, and impacts mental health and opportunities – all exacerbated by the Covid-19 crisis. 

But having the belief that you can improve your skills is the biggest indicator that your numeracy skills will improve. So, number confidence is that first, crucial step.

With TP ICAP we tackled one of the persistent challenges of number confidence; that the experience is more prevalent in women than men. With Santander we supported parents, carers and teachers to help children feel confident and ready to learn. Our work with Experian helped people with tips on how to manage their money. And with KPMG we supported social mobility with learning about numbers in the news.

Sam Sims, chief executive of National Numeracy said:

Amid this turbulent time, number confidence is more important than ever, With unemployment rising, numeracy can help people get into work or change careers. National Numeracy is passionate about helping people to get on with numbers so they can get on in life. We are dedicated to creating positive change through the transformational power of numeracy, in partnership with committed organisations.

Nicolas Breteau, chief executive of TP ICAP Group said:

Together with National Numeracy and its partners, it’s fantastic to see how this inaugural event helped people from all backgrounds build their belief, change their view of numbers, and broaden their horizons.

All of the content from Number Confidence Week is available on the Number Confidence Week page, and you can also see some highlights in the video below.

Read the impact report

Start improving your numeracy – register on the National Numeracy Challenge now!

National Numeracy has developed an online tool to help you improve your numeracy and boost your confidence. This interactive website is free to use at home, at work or on the move. You can assess your current level of numeracy – completely anonymously – and then begin an online journey to getting the Essentials of Numeracy.