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Primary schools needed for Numeracy Volunteers visits

17 Jul 2023

Are you a primary school teacher? Would you like to show your pupils how the maths you teach in class is relevant to the maths we use in everyday life? If so, then check out National Numeracy’s volunteer-supported assemblies and lessons!

Maths In The Real World posters

Numeracy Volunteers from the corporate world are available to go into schools to share their experiences through our ‘My Maths Story’ assembly and ‘Maths in the Real World’ teacher-led classroom session. 

It’s a great way of raising the profile of maths in your school and helping children see why they learn it.

The assembly and classroom session are suitable for Key Stage 2 and aim to:

  • enable pupils to make the link between what they are learning and the world of work
  • get children thinking about jobs that involve maths
  • inspire children to see the maths in everyday life beyond school
  • challenge stereotypes about careers and the world of work
  • meet the Gatsby Benchmark of Good Career Guidance: Benchmark 4 – Linking Curriculum Learning to Career and Benchmark 5 – Encounters with employees

For more information about these free opportunities, click here.

What people say:

“The assembly was fantastic and the children were engaged and had lots of questions. The classroom session was a really nice activity and produced lots of good discussions around future careers and maths.” 

-    Class teacher, Old Basford Primary, Nottingham

“It was good to have an activity that we would not have the experience or time to plan in school. The children were really receptive to the concepts and it fits our school vision of aspiration for all." 

-    Headteacher of a Nottingham Primary School

“The children were engaged and interested in how maths can be applied outside of school. We have a number of children who have English as an Additional Language and they, in particular, found this interesting.” 

-    Kristen Hopwood, Year 6 and Maths Lead, Keyworth Primary, Nottingham

“It was great! The children enjoyed hearing about the use of maths in everyday life and were full of questions to ask! The volunteer was energetic and passionate. The children absolutely loved it and it got them thinking about maths beyond the classroom.” 

-    Assistant Headteacher at a London primary school

“Thank you so much for the assembly today. The children and staff were thrilled to have an assembly about maths and asked why we don’t have more of these! The children I spoke to after had thought that maths was just what we did at school and now want to make lists of what they do at home. I sent them away to ask their parents about maths at home too. They said you had made maths more fun!” 

-    Assistant Headteacher, William Davis Primary, Tower Hamlets

“As our volunteer programme moves into its second year we’re excited to bring our My Maths Story assembly and Maths in the Real World classroom session to more schools in more areas. Our volunteers love sharing their journey with maths and inspiring children to see the value of maths in the real world.” 

-    Laura Hill, National Numeracy Volunteering Manager

Currently these sessions are available to schools in:

  • Belfast
  • Gosport
  • Havant
  • London
  • Nottingham
  • Portsmouth

To request an assembly and/or class session for your school please complete this form:

Activity request form