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National Numeracy contributes to new guidance for tackling maths anxiety published by Pearson

11 Nov 2019

This summer National Numeracy CEO Mike Ellicock attended and contributed to Pearson’s second Power of Maths Roundtable. The event, chaired by National Numeracy ambassador Bobby Seagull, gave influencers and thought leaders from across maths, education, academia, business and the third sector the chance to come together to discuss how we might begin to tackle one of the most significant barriers to making the UK a more number-confident nation.

National Numeracy

Mike Ellicock on why it's important to take action to improve the number confidence of adults:


Over the past year maths anxiety has increasingly been recognised as an obstacle to gaining the confidence and competence with numbers necessary to make informed decisions in everyday life and work. Earlier in the year the University of Cambridge published the  findings of their research into maths anxiety, and National Numeracy’s Kayla Fuller appeared on BBC Women’s Hour with Lucy Rycroft-Smith from Cambridge Mathematics to discuss how parents can support children struggling with maths anxiety and begin to overcome their own anxious feelings.

Bobby Seagull on what a number-confident nation would look like to him:


To help tackle the issue, Pearson have pulled together the wide-range of experience and expertise represented by those assembled to create a free Guide to Tackling to Maths Anxiety. National Numeracy are proud to have contributed to such an invaluable resource. It is packed with the latest data, research and top practical tips to help us all tackle maths anxiety in the UK with compassion, insight and efficacy

Start improving your numeracy – register on the National Numeracy Challenge now!

National Numeracy has developed an online tool to help you improve your numeracy and boost your confidence. This interactive website is free to use at home, at work or on the move. You can assess your current level of numeracy – completely anonymously – and then begin an online journey to getting the Essentials of Numeracy.