Join our space-themed National Numeracy Day Live event for children
8 May 2024
Get ready for blast off with National Numeracy Day at 9.30am on Wednesday 22 May 2024!
We have a fantastic livestreamed space-themed event for early years and primary school age children.
National Numeracy is delighted to have teamed up with BBC CBeebies Numberblocks and the Royal Astronomical Society to help children have fun with numbers in space.

Join us for a star-studded, space-themed National Numeracy Day Live!
You can join the event at 9.30am on Wednesday 22 May, via the livestream video link on our website, YouTube or Zoom.
National Numeracy Ambassadors Bobby Seagull, Katya Jones and Jessica Gagen will be joined by the Royal Astronomical Society's Robert Massey and a very special guest - Numberblock One - to spend a fun-filled half hour immersed in all things space.
Strictly's Katya will get the children warmed up with her special National Numeracy Day dance, and Bobby will chat with aerospace engineering graduate, Miss World Europe and fellow National Numeracy ambassador Jessica and Robert about the wonders of numbers in space.
Grab your exclusive Numberblocks activities
We've also created a brand new range of space-themed activities with Numberblocks, for children aged 3-6 years old.
The activities offer a range of numeracy levels and feature the friendly Numberblocks characters who help make learning about numbers fun. The sheets include helpful notes for adults who support children at nursery, school or home.
Children can also build their very own rocket with Bobby and have a go at Katya's dance with Numberblock One!
Get ready for the live event by learning Katya's dance
Katya will be starting National Numeracy Day Live by taking children through her new cowboy-themed dance routine. It's a sure fire way to get the kids warmed up and ready for more number fun.
Katya’s dance has an accompanying activity sheet that helps make the connection between dancing and maths - both get better with a bit of practice!
Enter the Number Heroes Competition, with £6,000 worth of prizes to be won
Don’t forget Bobby Seagull’s Number Heroes Competition, where children can create a picture of their dream job or hobby and tell us all the different ways it uses numbers. All entrants are in with a chance to win one of six prize bundles worth £1,000 each for their school or youth group, as well as a gift voucher and certificate for themselves.
Sign up now to join in the fun!
Sign up for National Numeracy Day, and you will receive fun, free resources and materials to help your school, organisation or community get number confident!